jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

world water cycle

In the image it appreciates the hydrological cycle.
 With the evaporation of the water from the surface of the ocean. As it rises, the moistened air cools and the steam transforms in water: it is the condensation. The drops join and form a cloud. Then, they fall down for his own weight: it is the rainfall. If in the atmosphere it is very cold, the water falls down as snow or hail. If it is hotter, they will fall drops of rain. A part of the water that comes to the land will be taken advantage by the alive beings; other one will slip for the area up to coming to a river, a lake or the ocean. To this phenomenon he is known as run-off. Another little of the water will filter across the soil, forming caps of underground water.

world climatological map

 In the map there appear the different climates that appear in the whole world .